Being on call and present at your birth to ensure your wishes are protected so you can focus on bringing you baby(ies) into the world.
Full Fat Doula
x2 Antenatal Sessions
Session length - 2 hours
Thorough explanation of physiological and cesarean birth
Deep dive into past experience/perceptions “myth bust”
Debrief after any antenatal appointments
Support with birth plan
Explore valid and up to date research relevant to your pregnancy
Plan what postnatal will look like for you, including any support you may need
Emotional support
Any other specific antenatal requirements you wish to explore
Attendance At Birth​
On Call 10 days prior to due date up until birth
Unlimited contact by whatsapp during on call period
Attendance at birth
Support with advocating for yourself so you can maintain autonomy
ensure your birth plan is adhered to
if for any reason there are any changes to your original plan, make you aware of all options in alternative scenarios
x2 Postpartum At Home Visit
Visit Length - 3 hours
Birth Debrief
Observe feeding
Signpost/link into any relevant services
Light housework, the small things that keeps life ticking over
Watching baby/older children so you can focus on older child/baby, rest or do something important to you
Baby wearing peer support
Any other specific postnatal support you wish to explore